There are more small businesses in your sector than people at the average music festival – so let’s explore how hiring a blog writer can help you stand out from the crowd.

Let’s face it, if you want to be found in today’s digital landscape, you need a compelling online presence. Ignoring this growing market risks losing business to competitors, but how can you put your efforts into marketing when there is already too much on your plate?

Your blog cannot be just another item on your to-do list. Blogs are a vital tool to attract web traffic, engage potential customers and drive sales. But you might wonder, “Is hiring a full-time blog writer really necessary?” Instead of hiring someone full-time, consider hiring a freelance blog writer.

A blog writer can work with you, depending on your needs, as opposed to a full-time resource who you would have to train, pay a full-time salary as well as ensure you assign them work. But you may still think, “Is hiring a freelance blog writer right for my business? Why can’t I do it myself?”

Let me explain why hiring a freelance blog writer could be a gamechanger for your business.

Your time is precious

Think of the number of hours you would spend churning out content for your blogs. Now think of the opportunity cost – every hour you spend writing is an hour not spent growing your business. If you have a limited budget, you can have a conversation with the writer and work out a package that works for both of you. Hiring a freelance blog writer frees up your time, letting you focus on what matters – running your business.

Enhancing visibility and authority for your business

A well-optimised blog can boost your business’s online visibility. Experienced blog writers understand the nuances of search engine optimisation (SEO) that can help your content rank higher in search engines such as Google and Bing. By reaching a wider audience, your blog can drive more traffic to your website, leading to more opportunities for customer engagement and sales. A freelance blog writer can also regularly create and publish high-quality blog posts, which will help establish your business as a trusted source of information in your industry.

website content

Long-term ROI

Think of a professionally written blog not as a short-term recurring expense but as a long-term asset. Quality content that focuses on establishing your authority and expertise draws traffic, boosts your SEO, and brings in more potential customers and opportunities for growth. Investing in a freelance blog writer means investing in sustainable growth.

You know your business; they know how to write about it

You are the expert on your business but translating that expertise into compelling content takes immense skill. A freelance blog writer serves as a Swiss Army knife; they know how to industry research your industry, understand your audience, and craft content that captures attention and delivers your message effectively. They do this time and time again, which makes them the right choice for your blogging efforts.

Collaborative content creation

A lot of small business owners worry about the writer not being able to fully understand their business the way they do. A freelance blog writer works closely with you to understand your vision. They ask you the right questions, understand what makes you different from your competitors, and create content that demonstrates your expertise and resonates with your audience.

Your voice, refined

Does handing over your content creation mean losing control of your brand? This is one of the biggest worries for small business owners when it comes to hiring the right person to write their blogs. A freelance blog writer will work with you to ensure your brand’s voice and tone are visibly reflected in every piece of content. Because freelance blog writers are seasoned professionals, they can capture your brand’s voice and tone accurately.

brand voice

The research advantage

Working with a freelance blog writer is a collaborative process, one where you are in control every step of the way. Freelance blog writers know exactly how to research topics in a manner that helps them get up to speed quickly. Whether your small business is in a broad industry or a niche one, a seasoned writer will take the time to understand your goals, your audience, and what you envision for your blogs. They will ensure that the content they produce is both accurate and compelling.

You are always in charge

It is natural for a small business owner to feel apprehensive about relinquishing control of their brand’s messaging while hiring a freelance blog writer. You may wonder if someone who does not know the brand like you do can truly capture your business’s expertise. Having a frank conversation with the writer may help you understand the way they approach their work and build rapport.

Set up an initial consultation with the freelance blog writer. During this consultation, you can outline your brand’s voice, tone, and messaging priorities. You can set clear guidelines at the outset to avoid deviating from the brand’s voice and messaging and even give the writer a couple of examples to give them a sense of exactly what you mean. Doing this ensures that the writer has a clear and solid understanding of your expectations and can produce content that aligns with your brand.

Ensuring quality through collaboration

Once the writer shares the initial draft, you can review, discuss the draft with them, and provide specific feedback. You can also ask for revisions to portions that do not align with your brand and ensure that the final content meets your expectations before it gets published. All of this can happen through collaborative discussions with the writer, where the outcome is to best showcase the brand through the blog. Ultimately, you maintain control over the final output and ensure it reflects your vision and goals.

Ready to hire a blog writer?

If you are still on the fence, consider starting with a consultation or trial project. This gives you the opportunity to experience firsthand how a freelance blog writer can save you time, costs, provide valuable input, help increase web traffic, and enhance your brand’s online presence. It’s more than just words on a page; it’s about strategic content that drives results. Contact me today to arrange a consultation.